When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you have three choices: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or choose to parent. None of these choices is a one-and-done decision. They impact you for a lifetime, so you want to make sure you choose the best option.
If you are not able to parent your child, your choices are abortion or adoption, but they have very different outcomes. Let’s take a closer look at both.
Having an Abortion
An abortion ends a pregnancy. There are two types: medical or surgical abortion. How far along you are in your pregnancy usually determines which type you have.
The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs (the abortion pill method) through 10 weeks of pregnancy. The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs are.
You may need to have a surgical procedure if you are farther along.
Many women say they feel relieved immediately following their abortions, but some struggle with grief, sadness, guilt, and anxiety in the weeks, months, and even years following.
There are also physical risks, like an incomplete abortion, to be aware of. An incomplete abortion happens when the drugs or surgery ends the pregnancy, but not all of the pregnancy and tissue are removed from the body.
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we do offer pre-abortion care to protect your health. Schedule an appointment with us first to get the essential information you need before arranging an abortion.
Making an Adoption Plan
With adoption, you have the opportunity to build a relationship with your child and their adoptive family.
Placing your child for adoption is emotionally difficult, but as the expectant mother, you can pick the couple who raise your child. You choose the family based on what is essential for you.
Do you want your child to be the oldest or have immediate siblings? Do you want them to grow up in the city or country? You get to set the path for their future.
LaVie Health is not a licensed adoption agency, so we cannot place your child. However, we can recommend reputable, licensed adoption coordinators who can answer all of your questions.
It costs you nothing to place your child, and often, your pregnancy-related expenses, like medical costs, are taken care of.
You want to pick an agency that offers proper adoption counseling to determine if this is the best option. The agency should also provide long-term counseling so you can continue getting the help you need after the adoption is finalized.
How Do I Know What to Do?
Only you can decide what to do about your pregnancy. No one has the right to force or manipulate you into making one decision over another. It is totally up to you.
Sometimes, it helps to have a neutral third party just to listen. If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you. Our nurses can give you the facts about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. Plus, we can offer information about the adoption process.
Our appointments are free and always confidential. Request an appointment online or call (406) 652-4868. Get the answers you need to make a confident, empowered choice. We’ll help you.